Friday, September 2, 2011

My Version of Homemade Tamagoyaki

I had this for breakfast the other day & it took me a while to get it right.
The egg rolling was confusing at first but after a while, I got the hang of it.


3 to 4 eggs
Black pepper (to taste)
Chilli Pepper / Chilli Flakes (to taste)
Seasoning (to taste)
Oil & kitchen paper
Rectangular shape non-stick pan (my pan's size is 11cm X 19cm, quite small)

~ Whisk eggs & all the seasoning. Seasoning is up to your taste, some like it sweet or spicy so do it to your taste.
~ Soak kitchen paper in oil & wipe the surface of the non-stick pan. Heat the pan with a slow fire (not too hot).
~ Use a chinese spoon & take 1 scoop, pour onto the pan & spread over the surface by moving the pan. Make sure it's thin & not too thick, or else it'll be hard to roll.
~ Cook it until half done; go to the front of the pan & start scrapping the egg. Fold it into a length of 1cm & continue until the end, leave it at the end. Try to roll it tightly but not too tight, it might burst. Make sure to control the fire so the egg won't burn or get too dry.
~ Oil the empty part & take another scoop, pour onto the empty part & let it cover the pan including underneath the 1st roll. This will help the the 1st roll to stick & make it easier for your 2nd roll.
~ Another 15 secs & you can start rolling the 2nd roll. Turn the 1st roll towards the 2nd scooped egg & roll until finish. By now it'll look bigger which is good. 
~ Continue the steps until you feel satisfied with the size. Leave it to cool then slice however you want it.

* Remember, practice makes perfect. ^_^

Oh ya for the sauce, I simply add a tblspoon of mayonaise, 4 -5 dashes of tabasco & 2 tblespoons of BBQ sauce in a bowl. But you can simply just dip dis in chilli sauce or any sauce you like.

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